How to join the 170th anniversary celebrations at Cape Willoughby Lighthouse

How to join the 170th anniversary celebrations at Cape Willoughby Lighthouse

Kan­ga­roo Island off the coast of South Aus­tralia is known for its abun­dant and unique wildlife, clear waters and nat­ur­al won­ders – includ­ing a rugged coast­line that boasts one of Australia’s old­est lighthouses.

In 2022, Cape Willough­by Light­house cel­e­brates its 170th anniver­sary of guid­ing ships to safe­ty through a treach­er­ous stretch of water known as Back­stairs Passage.

Today, vis­i­tors can enjoy the light­house by stay­ing overnight at the light­keep­ers’ cot­tages, tak­ing a light­house climb tour, hik­ing the sur­round­ing con­ser­va­tion park or sim­ply enjoy­ing a picnic.

Join the 170th anniver­sary celebrations

On Sat­ur­day, 17 Decem­ber, Cape Willough­by Light­house comes alive in a cel­e­bra­tion mark­ing 170 years of his­to­ry. The open day from 10am to 4pm includes free entry, free tours, live music play­ing inside the light­house, kids’ activ­i­ties and a very spe­cial 170th birth­day cake! Tea and cof­fee is sup­plied, BYO picnic.

Join the celebrations

How to join the 170th anniversary celebrations at Cape Willoughby Lighthouse

Get there

Cape Willough­by Con­ser­va­tion Park is locat­ed about half an hour’s dri­ve from Pen­neshaw, where the Kan­ga­roo Island fer­ry dis­em­barks, or an hour’s dri­ve from Kingscote Airport.

The Cape Willough­by Con­ser­va­tion Park vis­i­tor cen­tre is open dai­ly (closed Christ­mas Day) from 10am to 4pm. Guid­ed tours depart reg­u­lar­ly through­out the day. A small site entry fee applies for adults and can be paid at the vis­i­tor cen­tre. Entry is free on Sat­ur­day 17 Decem­ber 2022.

Find out more

How to join the 170th anniversary celebrations at Cape Willoughby Lighthouse

Take a tour

Can’t make the open day? Then join one of the dai­ly tours through­out the year that fea­ture spec­tac­u­lar views and share incred­i­ble tales of hard­ship and sur­vival. Let local guides trans­port you as they nar­rate the his­to­ry of this icon­ic and rugged site, giv­ing an insight into the ear­ly light­keep­ers’ liv­ing con­di­tions and how iso­la­tion and a demand­ing rou­tine dom­i­nat­ed their often harsh lives. Top off the tour with a 102-step climb to the top of the light­house and be reward­ed with views across the water.

Plan your light­house tour

Stay overnight

Guests who have stayed at Cape Willoughby’s light­house accom­mo­da­tion say that it’s a charm­ing and rus­tic expe­ri­ence that’s ide­al for fam­i­lies. Two cot­tages at the site were built in the 1920s and accom­mo­date up to 9 adults in 5 bed­rooms. With no TV and no reli­able phone cov­er­age it’s per­fect for dis­con­nect­ing from the out­side world. Kick back on the veran­da for scenic views of the light­house and the spec­tac­u­lar coast and in whale sea­son you might even spot one of these giants.

Book your stay

How to join the 170th anniversary celebrations at Cape Willoughby Lighthouse

Walk through history

Grab a self-guid­ed walk­ing trail brochure from the Cape Willough­by Light­house Vis­i­tor Cen­tre and take the Cape Willough­by Light­sta­tion Her­itage Hike for an insight into the ear­ly 1853 set­tle­ment. The hike will give you an insight into the ear­ly light­keep­ers’ lives and how their demand­ing rou­tine and sense of iso­la­tion was height­ened by the dis­tance between their homes and the lighthouse.

Plan your walk

Can’t get enough of Kan­ga­roo Island Light­hous­es? Check out Cape Bor­da Light­sta­tion for Park of the Month

Through­out Decem­ber, Parks of West­ern Kan­ga­roo Island are being cel­e­brat­ed as part of Park of the Month.

Join a free ranger guid­ed tour on Sun­day, 3 Decem­ber 2022 at Cape Bor­da Light­sta­tion. Gain insight into the ear­ly light keep­ers’ liv­ing con­di­tions, and how iso­la­tion and a demand­ing rou­tine dom­i­nat­ed their often harsh lives. You will even have the chance to see the canon fired at the end of the 11:30am and 2:30pm tours! Find out more.

Check the Nation­al Parks of Kan­ga­roo Island Vis­i­tor Guide: May 2022 for more infor­ma­tion to plan your trip to the island.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living