Have a peek inside Belair

Have a peek inside Belair

Belair Nation­al Park Open Day on Sun­day May 3

Guid­ed walks, inves­ti­gat­ing water bugs and hold­ing a live lizard are just some of the great free activ­i­ties on offer at the Belair Nation­al Park Open Day on Sun­day May 3.

With no charge to enter the park on the day, this event will be pop­u­lar with fam­i­lies who can expect a great day of out­door fun at South Australia’s old­est nation­al park.

Start­ing at 10am and run­ning until 4pm, Open Day offers guid­ed bike rides and a chal­leng­ing obsta­cle course for the more adven­tur­ous rid­ers, led by SA Moun­tain Bike Association.

Mem­bers of the DEW Fire Man­age­ment Team will be on hand for a chat about your fire ques­tions and expe­ri­ences, while ori­en­teer­ing ses­sions will be run in the playground.

Enjoy the live music, cof­fee and deli­cious food stalls — or take advan­tage of the free ten­nis and bas­ket­ball courts and free BBQs.

Kids will love a chance to hold ani­mals from Cle­land Wildlife Park, while the grownups may enjoy the gar­den design work­shop or guid­ed tours of Old Gov­ern­ment House.

Horse SA, Walk­ing SA, Friends of Parks, Goan­na Watch, and Sturt Upper Reach­es Land­care Group will present dis­plays of their activities.

Open Day is also the place to pick up your pre-ordered Grey box tree seedlings to help pro­vide future habi­tat for our wildlife (order seedlings now at here).

For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it parks​.sa​.gov​.au

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living