Journey through time at Adelaide Gaol's History Day

Journey through time at Adelaide Gaol’s History Day

Ade­laide Gaol, often whis­pered as one of South Aus­trali­a’s eeri­est land­marks, has housed some of the state’s most noto­ri­ous felons. As one of the old­est remain­ing colo­nial pub­lic build­ings in Ade­laide, the site was open for busi­ness from 1841 to 1988, mark­ing it as one of Aus­trali­a’s longest con­tin­u­ous­ly oper­a­tional prison facilities.

As part of South Australia’s His­to­ry Fes­ti­val the gaol will host His­to­ry Day’ on Sun­day 19 May from 10am – 4pm.

Spe­cial dis­count­ed entry will be on offer for just $5.90 per per­son (free for kids aged 0 – 3). 

Records documenting hunger strikes will be on display.
Records doc­u­ment­ing hunger strikes will be on display.

Intrigued? Here’s what’s in store:

Step inside the gaol’s kitchen and laun­dry, and get a rare glimpse into the dai­ly lives of those who lived and worked with­in these walls. These areas are typ­i­cal­ly closed to vis­i­tors so don’t miss you chance to peek inside!

The gaol will also be unveil­ing an exclu­sive Archive Exhi­bi­tion for the very first time. Delve into a trea­sure trove of items that have laid hid­den with­in the archive room, includ­ing guard uni­forms, a hunger strike archive book and old photos. 

And they haven’t for­got­ten about their younger vis­i­tors. Kids can rev­el in a vari­ety of lawn games and spe­cial­ly designed activ­i­ties, ensur­ing a fun and engag­ing day out for the entire family.

Old guard unforms and photos from the archive room
Old guard unforms and pho­tos from the archive room

Get­ting there:

Please plan your vis­it with care, as park­ing is lim­it­ed due to ongo­ing con­struc­tion at the new Wom­en’s and Chil­dren’s Hos­pi­tal. Vis­i­tors are strong­ly encour­aged to use pub­lic trans­port to make your vis­it as smooth as possible.

Find more infor­ma­tion on get­ting to Ade­laide Gaol, includ­ing updates on park­ing and pub­lic trans­port options: Ade­laide Gaol | His­to­ry Day at Ade­laide Gaol

Don’t miss this unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to step behind the scenes at one of Ade­laide’s most his­toric sites.

Whether you’re a his­to­ry buff, look­ing for a fam­i­ly day out, or sim­ply curi­ous, Ade­laide Gaol’s His­to­ry Day is for everyone. 

Ready to book your jour­ney through his­to­ry? BOOKNOW.

This con­tent was pro­duced in part­ner­ship with  Good Living