What you'll love

What you’ll love

The Wild South Coast Way presents some of the most breathtaking and awe-inspiring coastal walking in South Australia. With a genuine sense of wilderness, the trail offers a chance to experience remote beaches, native bushland, towering cliffs, rich First Nations history, stunning panoramas, deep gorges, and a diverse array of native birds, vegetation, and wildlife.

National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia

Walk it your way

The thing that sets the Wild South Coast Way apart from oth­er mul­ti-day walks is the oppor­tu­ni­ty to walk it your way — any day, any direc­tion, any sec­tion. Whether you pre­fer to take it easy with short walks or chal­lenge your­self with the full five-day four-night hike, there’s some­thing for everyone.

National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia

Dis­cov­er icon­ic and breath­tak­ing scenery

The rugged coast­line, with its dra­mat­ic cliffs and wild beach­es, epit­o­mis­es the Wild South Coast Way; how­ev­er, there are oth­er land­scapes that will take your breath away. Through the wet­ter months, rivers and water­falls are in full flow, includ­ing the Ins­ta-famous Deep Creek Water­fall. Ver­dant unspoilt wood­lands blan­ket the hills and val­leys of Deep Creek Nation­al Park. 

Vis­it all sev­en beach­es along the trail, includ­ing the unique Boat Har­bour Beach, known for its peb­ble-strewn shore. For a tru­ly unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence, be sure to vis­it Wait­pin­ga Cliffs, which drop dra­mat­i­cal­ly into the ocean 100 metres below. 

National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia

Expe­ri­ence the rich culture

Immerse your­self in the rich cul­ture of Ramind­jeri Sea Coun­try. Fol­low in the foot­steps of Ngu­run­deri, a pow­er­ful war­rior who shaped the land with his cre­ations of land­forms, water­ways, and ani­mals. At Tapanap­pa Ridge Look­out, dis­cov­er the sto­ry of the Kon­doli – Keep­er of Fire Walk, and learn how the Ramind­jeri peo­ple acquired the tools to cre­ate fire. 

Admire the rugged and dra­mat­ic coast­line dot­ted with ship­wrecks, a tes­ta­ment to the forces of nature. Be amazed by the unex­pect­ed sight of the Futuro, a local phe­nom­e­non that resem­bles a space­ship nes­tled among the she-oaks near Naiko Inlet.

National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia

Immerse your­self in nature

Tune in your sens­es to dis­cov­er an abun­dance of wildlife. Be on the look­out for kan­ga­roos, curi­ous echid­nas and sun­bathing lizards, and lis­ten for the beau­ti­ful melodies of over 100 bird species that call this trail home. 

Wit­ness the majes­tic kon­doli (south­ern right whales) dur­ing their annu­al gath­er­ing on the south­ern coast of Aus­tralia from May to Octo­ber. The soar­ing cliffs along the trail offer breath­tak­ing views of these gen­tle giants, so make sure to keep your eyes wide open and your cam­era ready. 

Deep Creek Nation­al Park pre­serves the largest por­tion of native veg­e­ta­tion on the Fleurieu Penin­su­la. Let the nat­ur­al beau­ty of this land­scape take your breath away.

Down­load the SA Nation­al Parks Tours app for great con­tent on the go as you walk the trail